St. Alban the Martyr

The Fifth Sunday of Easter
  28th April 2024

Prayer Intentions

Let us pray:

For the church and her leaders, that she may be at peace, being built up and walking in the fear of the Lord, and enjoying the consolation of the Holy Spirit.

For Justin Archbishop of Canterbury, Pope Francis, Bartholomew the Ecumenical Patriarch, and the leaders of all Christian Churches.

With the Diocese of Birmingham for the Diocesan Board of Education, the Director of Education, Susan Smith, and all of our Church of England schools.

In our Deanery for the parish of Bishop Latimer with All Saints, Winson Green.

For Fr Gerry, his family, our parish and congregation. 

For the staff, students and governors at St Alban’s Academy, and Stanhope Wellbeing Hub. 

For the people of Highgate Baptist Church, St Anne’s Roman Catholic Church, the Shia Mosque in Clifton Road, Birmingham Central Mosque, the Bahu Trust and Birmingham Central Synagogue.

That God may raise up for the nations passionate people like the early apostles who will speak up boldly for the cause of life, justice and morality in the world today.

Especially at this time for the people of the Holy Land and Gaza, Ukraine and Sudan and for all refugees and displaced people.

That we may love, not just in word or speech, but in deed and in truth, bringing honest, open and active hearts to our Heavenly Father.

For all schools, colleges, and universities, especially our St Alban’s Academy, that they may be lively centres for sound learning, new discovery, and the pursuit of wisdom, and grant that those who teach and those who learn may find Christ to be the source of all truth.

For the sick, grieving or incapacitated that God may surround them with His tenderness, give strength to those who suffer, hold the weak in His arms of love and give hope and patience to those who are recovering.

For all those for whom our prayers have been asked.

(We do not publish the list of individuals for whom we are praying on the internet. If you are a member of our congregation and will not be at Mass you can ask to receive it by e-mail.)

For the faithful departed that their souls may live exultantly before the face of the Lord in His glorious kingdom.

For all who have died recently, especially those who have died suddenly, alone or unprepared.

By name amongst those whose year’s mind falls at about this time for: David Hughes, Maurice Fenton, Francis Belton (priest), Jean Holst, Dora Smith, Florence Prinn, Tony Brown, Margaret Blagg and Harold Hall.

Let us join our prayers with those of all the saints and especially with Mary, mother of Our Risen Lord and Queen of Peace.